Monday, February 26, 2007

Are School Days Long Enough?

When I was surfing the web the other day and saw an article regarding the length of the school day. Some schools in the Northeast were experimenting with a longer school day. I can see some advantages and disadvantages to that.

Advantages: more time for teachers to cover material that isn't on the test, more time for resources that have been replaced so students can pass standardized tests (art, music, physical education, etc), younger children are home alone for shorter periods of time or do not need a babysitter or after school program

Disadvantages: teachers have to work longer hours, students are in the classroom for even longer periods, more expensive per student (approx $1200 a student a year)

I'm sure I could think of more, but I'm not feeling great and just wanted to post something about this before I forgot about it.

Is lengthening the school day a reasonable solution for some of the problems that our educational system faces? Or would it just increase the problems that we are already faced with and possibly create even more?

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